Before going to Oslo, you need to ride the Toboggan first
By Rob Litjens
Well, I was in the understanding that after DataYork, I would need to “travel” to Oslo in the beginning of September… But things will end up different I understand.
Just after pressing the Closing button for the DataYork user group, Sessionize contacted me that I am invited to do Data Toboggan on June 24th. Yes that is during my holidays. But, no problem. I can do!
Due to rain last Thursday we drove home from Collogne. That was a nice ride in the rain. It began to storm sometimes and there was some hail. Driving in a RV (Camper, not a campervan) one may know that it are circumstantial rides. Happily enough nothing happened and we came home just before dinner.
Because I do not want to be unprepared I will prepare the session again. I setup my VM’s after downloading new images from Microsoft, Installed SQL on top of them and implemented my sample database BikeStore_[SQLVersion]. Done. Lets validate the Bicep scripts… Some updates there… ok.. lets see…. WHAT?? strange message. hmm… Lets bing it all … .hmmm. error in the bicep interpretor of VSCode and other tools… hmmm. Create a parameter file? Is that the work around? Lets check…
Right click on the Bicep file and select Create Parameter file… Choose Bicep… done. .. Run the script… Done.. That easy? unbelievable.
That was yesterday. So my session is in an hour from now. Lets try again.. ok. I see, Changed the parameters and so on.. run bicep… Works like a charm. I am good to go
In the mean time Brian Bønk Rueløkke contacts me… If i can do another session on August 10th… I spoke to him a while ago, but I told him I have plans for some new sessions. I think I am going to create a new abstract there.. Based on my Bikestore tables I will do something with API. Not sure how it looks like, because I need to work out the whole session.
I have done my session now. At the end there were no questions unfortunately. I do need to add some extra investigations in why I cannot connect my sentinel to my current Defender for Cloud settings. Maybe I need to clear the Defender for Cloud settings… Another thing is to look at audits and C2 audit data in the LAW.
From my point of view, the organizers of Data Toboggan did a great job. There was a CFS a few months ago and within a few weeks you know if you are selected to speak. There is a big audience and there are two lanes. Despite my topic has nothing to do with Synapse, I was in that room.
I would like to thank the organizers for having me. Hope to see and speak to you soonish… Maybe Oslo?