Crossing the Pedestrian Area to York
By Rob Litjens
While my walk to DataYork continues, I investigate various things to find out if I can simulate some of the requirements.
During that discovery I find sometimes very interesting Resources. One of them is the GitHub repository from the Defender for Cloud team: GitHub – Azure/Microsoft-Defender-for-Cloud: Welcome to the Microsoft Defender for Cloud community repository
This repo has a ton of information and true course on Defender for Cloud. Since Defender is part of it, some tests can be found there. It is really interesting. I did not know it, but I followed there steps to onboard the SQL servers I created.
If you read this and have read my previous posts, you can see that I finished walking and now I am crossing the Pedestrian area. That means that I am almost finished with the preparation.
Stuff is validated. So my next steps will be to setup the Presentation and create a repo with some files… Stay tuned! I will be excited to present. Who will be at #DataYork?