This pages is showing various samples of integrations I made to my Hugo site. I tend to use shortcodes for these, so that I am able to add them to the pages I want. This flexibility is important to me.
Data from a database One of the things I am proud of is that I am able to integrate data from my Azure database in this website. For demo purposes I have added the first 10 products of my bikestore sample database running on a free azure database
This shortcode is showing you the last 10 items of my database. &resource.resourceError{error:(*create.HTTPError)(0xc0020da030), data:map[string]interface {}{"Body":"{\"Message\":\"{\\u0022Message\\u0022:\\u0022Response status code does not indicate success: 400 (Bad Request).\\u0022,\\u0022ActivityId\\u0022:\\u00225a553791-cfd3-408a-8115-f464e0c1d319\\u0022}\",\"ActivityId\":\"5a553791-cfd3-408a-8115-f464e0c1d319\"}", "ContentLength":-1, "ContentType":"text/plain; charset=utf-8", "Status":"400 Bad Request", "StatusCode":400, "TransferEncoding":[]string(nil)}}Mermaid
Another thing I have updated is the working sample of a mermaid. It was not working for some reason. After doing some investigations I found out why. Again it is the way how files are read in Hugo when compiling them into html.
flowchart LR
y("👫 You") --> h{"🤝 Found this helpful?"}
h --> |Yes| r[/"⭐ Check out my featured posts!"/]
h --> |No| su[/"📝 Suggest changes by clicking near the title"/]
click r "/categories/featured" _blank
Site paramaters
Testing for no purposeSessionize
Below the usage of Sessionize