Below you will find pages that utilize the taxonomy term “Dataweekender”
November 9, 2023
DataWeekender 6.5 and Sessions for RaboEngineering, UG-Groningen and Southampton
In a recent post on Linked In I announced that I have a bit a busy week. In this post I will sum up what I have done and how it worked out.
DataWeekender 6.5 DataWeekender has a special place. I am volunteering there for a quite a few times. It is always a pleasure to work with the team.
Somehow this year was more special for me. I was helping other speakers, but also have a session.
October 26, 2023
Dataweekender 6.5
I am happy to announce that I have been selected to speak at Data Weekender 6.5. Saturday, November 4 2023 at 11:30 in track 1 I will be presenting the session named Opening up your database by API. I hope to pack in a few new items I learned recentlty about this exiting product.
Next to presenting, I will be present in Track 1 the whole day to assist the other speakers.
December 27, 2020
This time I do wan to share something interesting. I am volunteering again for Dataweekender. The first time it was organized, I was moderating in Track 1. I signed up for half a day, but the fun was that great that I stayed in the track until it closed.
For those of you who do not know what Dataweekeder is, it is a one day event for people who are interested in Data, data manipulation and data presentation.
May 12, 2020
This months invitation for T-SQL tuesday came from Glenn Berry (B | L | T) . His original request is explained here.
]( Glenn’s invite asks us to what we have done in response to Covid-19.
I first needed to think very deep about that question… What I have done in response to Covid-19? Or what Covid-19 has done to me?
While the last question was not part of Glenn’s question, I just wanted to answer that also.
September 10, 2019
Thanks Kevin Chant (b|t) for hosting this Tsql Tuesday.
You make it hard for me to answer this one. Especially since it is my first official post for a TSQL Tuesday.
As a Database Infrastructural engineer there are some behaviors which you want to change. I am focused on security and ease of working
I do not have many fantasies on SQL Server, but some improvements on the normal components would be nice to have.
Dataweekender 3.1
As some of you know I am volunteering in Dataweekender. This event which gives you the ability to learn new things in short sessions of 50 minutes. New in this is that there are also a few tracks which have 10 minute tracks. This is mainly used by new presenters, or by experienced people who want to help you jumpstart on a specific topic. Dataweekender is having these short tracks in Track 4.